Richard Turner MA VetMB MRCVS
Since qualifying at Queens College, Cambridge, Richard has over 40 years’ working as a veterinary surgeon. Having jointly founded one of the largest poultry practices in the UK alongside fellow FarmWater Director, Alan Beynon, Richard has extensive experience in many areas of poultry medicine and production and has a particular interest in the Broiler and Layer Industry.
He currently cares for over 200 million birds in the broiler sector and a large sector of the UK Layer Industry. Eight years ago Richard was the driving force in developing a veterinary practice for the poultry industry in Ireland and from a zero base he is now responsible for 2/3rd of the broilers in Eire, as well as Layers and Game Birds.
As a founder of Applied Bacterial Control Ltd and PrognostiX Ltd, Richard is acutely interested in the relationship between technology, animal health and welfare, and the need to further reduce antibiotic use across the animal health sector.
In addition to this, Richard is a former Director of Molecare Veterinary Services which was a joint venture with Mole Valley Farmers. Under Molecare Veterinary Services Richard developed his experience in ruminant and farm animal health care, adapting the concepts developed from his time in poultry and exploring how these could better improve the performance and health in wider farming practice.
Sitting on the board of directors for FarmWater, Richard is excited to be involved in this new project, to introduce and educate the agricultural and farming industries on the importance of clean water, and the considerable health impacts that this can have on the animal.